Wednesday, August 15, 2012


Look at the faces
of people first experiencing
the delight of bubbles.

At first they are
as to what will come
out of the little yellow plastic rod
but then
as the circular pieces
of water and soap begin
to breathe out of the wand,
they spark in these concerned faces
light, laughter
surprise, fascination.

Standing on the side of the road
giving out bubbles to children
who have never
in their life
even thought
about the existence
of a magically contrived
it is impossible not
to catch yourself
with a smile.

***Author's Note: Honestly, not a lot to say here. Some of my experiences in Kenya were easy to sum up in a few words, like this. It is easier than one thinks to place yourself in the position of someone who has never seen something like bubbles. Someone who has never even considered the fact that something like a bubble could be manufactured, let alone bottled in a small plastic container and sold at The Dollar Store. It seems hard at first but it just seamlessly happens as you observe other people marvelling at an object which is to us so common place. As you watch the emotions encompassing the faces of these children you can imagine yourself looking up and seeing for the first time, through the hot Kenya sun, bubbles. It is enjoyable every now and then to force yourself to remember how powerful these simple moments are, and in the right light, how they can be elevated by the human spirit and transformed into sources of sheer delight.
Thanks as always,

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